Hormones regulate every process in our body, including the processes related to concentration, motivation, & productivity. The hormone connections and traffic impact most definitely affect our energy and focus. Many women are sick and tires of feeling trapped feeling like they have no motivation to be fully engaged in daily activities, have a sour attitude, or just not feeling like the things they used to do no longer bring them any joy and are more of a burden. Work productivity & your relationships with your loved ones suffer.
Because hormones CAN & DO affect our moods and motivation, often lifestyle changes are typically the default standard recommendation. Exercise is one of the critical components of neurotransmitters and hormones to dance together correctly. A healthy diet is also super crucial for hormonal communication. They are backed with the necessary micronutrients for hormone production, transport, and utilization. But what if that isn't enough...... what if you are still trapped in what feels like an overflowing toilet bowl. In instances of extreme hormone imbalance or conditions that permanently impact hormone creation and function, the healthiest of habits may not be enough.
Estrogen fluctuations affect many aspects in our body including our energy levels and neurotransmitter functions. This can happen in the postpartum phase, perimenopause, menopause, and with any birth control initiation of change.
When testosterone levels are too low it is very hard to have motivation to move and we tend to fall into low mood/energy states. Then, on the flip-side, too much testosterone leaves our focus in chaos and many women feel irritability and anxiousness, which diverts our attention to things that are not necessarily the best use of our time!
Cortisol levels are another hormone that affects our motivation and protuctivity. When cortisol is insufficient- getting out of bed is REALLY hard. Believe me- I know- I have experienced this! Too high of cortisol puts us in fight or flight and leads to anxiety, sleep issues, poor concentration, among other things!
Many women have encountered a situation where they either are pressured to or wondered if taking depression/anxiety, or ADHD medication could be the answer to their issues, BUT what if getting to the root of each womans personal issues not only helps with motivation and productivity BUT other areas of her life like her metabolism and love life!
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