If you’re like a lot of people I talk to, you’re probably always on the lookout for good information and resources that can help you stay energetic & motivated.
I’m the same way. In fact, my computer bookmarks are just loaded with useful sites.
Some weeks back, I was telling someone about my bookmarks, and she said I should share them with other exhausted women. It sounded like a good idea in theory.
However, I have literally dozens – probably hundreds – of resources bookmarked. And the truth is, not all of them are that great.
So here’s what I did – I just spent the last week pouring through these bookmarks.
I kicked out the outdated resources, the dead links and so on. I set aside the average information. And when I was all done, I had 5of the best energy-enhancing resources from around the web.
These are the best, the cream of the crop, so I know you’ll enjoy them too. Read on…
This hormone has significant power! Your thyroid controls your metabolic rate (how you burn calories), hair, skin and mood.
The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution by Aviva Romm is one of my favorite books all about thyroid health!
Your thyroid is your body’s thermostat, and determines how much energy you burn or conserve. When you are in chronic survival mode, your brain is getting the message that it’s time to conserve, not spend energy, in order to protect your resources. As a result, your thyroid function slows down and you can develop hypothyroidism.
It's crucial to maintain a balanced insulin level to prevent unwanted weight gain and that dreaded belly fat that occurs as we age.
In this highly listenable and provocative book, Dr. Jason Fung sets out an original, robust theory of obesity that provides startling insights into proper nutrition. In addition to his five basic steps - a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels - Dr. Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight - for good.
Known as the "stress hormone,” unfortunately, cortisol can accelerate aging faster than any of the other hormones listed so far.
Garland Vance knows how you feel. In Gettin’ (un)Busy, he shares how he nearly burned out while leading a nonprofit, having a family, and working on his doctorate in leadership and spiritual formation. He discovered a powerful, proven, and research-driven system that will help you shed stress, accomplish your dreams, and love life. You will learn:
If you’re ready to do less, get more done, and enjoy life, it’s time to get (un)busy!
This hormone makes us "feel like a woman." Think of it as the beauty hormone since it contributes to shiny hair, smooth skin, vibrancy and that feeling of being alive! Too much estrogen, however, and we become prone to estrogen dominance.
For years, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was hailed as a miracle. Study after study showed that HRT, if initiated at the onset of menopause, could ease symptoms ranging from hot flashes to memory loss; reduce the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and some cancers; and even extend a woman's overall life expectancy. But when a large study by the Women's Health Initiative announced results showing an uptick in breast cancer among women taking HRT, the winds shifted abruptly, and HRT, officially deemed a carcinogen, was abandoned.
Now, 16 years after HRT was left for dead, Dr. Bluming, a medical oncologist, and Dr. Tavris, a social psychologist, track its strange history and present a compelling case for its resurrection. They investigate what led the public - and much of the medical establishment - to accept the Women's Health Initiative's often exaggerated claims, while also providing a fuller picture of the science that supports HRT.
If you suffer from restless sleep or have difficulty focusing, then an unbalanced progesterone level may be the root cause. This is the "brain hormone" and keeps your cognition sharp and your sleep sound.
Food plays a HUGE role in progesterone optimization!
From the founder of the popular Hormones Balance online community comes this life-saving program and cookbook filled with more than 125 tempting, nutrient-dense recipes to restore hormonal balance and achieve optimal health - resulting in improved energy, weight loss, lower stress levels, and enhanced emotional wellbeing for a wide-range of hormonal-related conditions.
If you want to boost your energy levels, then for best results, optimize your hormones and utilize tips from each of these 5 resources regularly. I do, and I credit these resources for a great deal of my hormone optimization success.
So give them a listen and see what they can do for you!
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